Thursday, April 10, 2008

Butter Ball

Once upon a time, there lived a little Butter Ball. One day he decided to take a walk outside. "Don't go," his mother said. "You're so sweet and tender, somebody is going to bite off a piece of you." But Butter Ball didn't listen to his mother and insisted on going out. "Don't go," his father said. "You're too soft! Somebody is going to step on you and squash you." But Butter Ball wasn't easily scared, so he rolled for the door. "Go, go, if you please," his sister yelled after him. "But don't come crawling back here once you're all covered in mud!" So Butter Ball went outside, and . . . nothing happened. It had been snowing that night, and the streets weren't cleaned yet. Butter Ball rolled around the block and came home lightly covered with white flakes. Everybody was very happy, but he only wanted to go out again.

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