Friday, February 8, 2008

The broken website

The website was obviously broken. I mean, it said quite definitively "I'm broken," or "Page not found," or some such thing. I still kept checking it regularly, once a day, during my afternoon tea break. Sometimes, I checked it twice a day, at tea-time and also while getting ready for bed at night, right after washing my face but before brushing my hair. I don't sleep well unless I brush my hair seconds prior to hitting the sheets. To be completely honest, at the end, I started checking the website compulsively, five to ten times a day, every time I sat down in front of the computer or opened another browser window. Once in a while, I would check Google Cache, just to sort of be reminded of the way it looked. None of its interactive features would work, of course, but I simply liked to see it again. I lost all hope. Almost completely.

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