Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is a story of two friends one of whom has everything and wants nothing, and the other one just the opposite, of course. That is, she has nothing -- or close to nothing -- and wants a baby. Wants it so badly she's contemplating going off the pill without telling her boyfriend. The way she puts it, "My body is aching for it." She has three different degrees and works as a copy editor at a small press, earning barely a living wage. She already has a nine-year old daughter. Her boyfriend is a few years younger, he's in sales, but not very good at it. The other friend never had babies, never wants to have babies, doesn't see the point of them. She is ehh, well, let's say a professor at a University. Earning not much, but a stable income that could take her quite far in the field of reproduction. Her kids' college tuition would be definitely covered. But she doesn't want any children. The world is overpopulated as it is, she thinks. And what for? Life is pain, and not really worth it. The center of the piece would be a conversation between the two of them, where one is dying to ask for money but feels ashamed, and the other would give it in a second if asked, but believes her friend is making a bad and selfish decision, so she doesn't offer. The goal? The point? There is none. Just the story.

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