Sunday, October 26, 2008


They met at the coffee shop on Sundays, from 7 to 10 pm, to practice tango. Nothing more, nothing less. A. would get a glass of wine, and B. would take a sip or two from the same glass. Sometimes, B. would buy a cookie and split it in two. There was a teacher, but the two of them were always too poor to pay for the class. So they came in when the class was over but the tango music was still playing and there were other couples on the floor. Over the weeks, they managed to pick up a few moves, but not many. A. would laugh and talk about the weather or the upcoming holidays or the teacher's outfit. B. stayed mostly silent and looked at both of their feet. A. always wore red shoes and B.'s only dancing pair was black. The *always* lasted five to six weeks, and then A. disappeared and B. went back to the bar.

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