Thursday, September 18, 2008

Smart kid

The boy called today. He told me to meet him at the Burger King, on the corner of 16th and Valencia. He's never been in the city before, and he tells me where to meet him! Thank you Google Street View for this particular pleasure: little kids telling us where to go and what to do. So I suppose he will also tell me which restaurant I should take him to. What ice cream I should get him. He'll insist on not seeing the Fisherman's Warf or Chinatown, oh no, that's for tourists and he means business, like what about going down the Peninsula to check out that Computer Museum? That place is getting great yelp reviews! Fine, fine. Fine. He can BART it if he likes, if he's so good at it. I'll stay home and go to the Zeitgeist to while away the time. Thank goodness, they don't let kids into the bars yet.

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